In years 2018-2020, I had the privilege to participate as a Faculty Champion in Geron-Infusion Education (“GIE”, implemented in HKU under the name of “Campus Ageing Mix Project for University Students”, GIE-CAMPUS) funded by the ZeShan Foundation. 

Bake A Difference

15 September 2023

Voice for Social Good (VSG) has just launched an animation “Bake A Difference”, advocating for the importance of Full Funding for NGOs.

The Hepatitis Fund, our strategic partner, is organising the first Global Hepatitis Resource Mobilization Conference in Geneva later this month. It is aimed at bringing together committed and new partners to raise funds for key countries where catalytic investments and donations would kick-start the implementation of a national plan or significantly accelerate it.

Our strategic partner Happy Ageing Lab has invited experts from the built environment and service organisations to share with us their knowledge and insights of cultivating an age-friendly living environment in the community.

A Plastic Ocean (“APO”), our partner, found that young people are reluctant to work in recycling industry because of misconceptions about both career and business opportunities. This has led to an estimated shortage of around 1,000 workers next year when the Government is expected to roll out its new waste charging scheme.

Tele-medical Care and Medication Guidance Pilot Project  has reaped another three great awards at the Hong Kong city-wide open competition, “2021 Best Practice Awards in Social Welfare” organized by the Hong Kong Council of Social Service.

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