Scaled-up iPMTCT Demonstration Programs
To build on the success of the pilot initiatives, ZeShan stepped up support for integrated prevention of mother-to-child transmission (PMTCT) prevention in 2010. One of the programs being implemented takes place in high prevalence and low income regions of Hubei, Hebei, Xinjiang and Shanxi provinces, and is expected to screen 24,000 pregnant women for HBV, HIV and syphilis, while providing 42,000 people with pre-marital medical screening in the next two years. Emphasis is on building capacity in integrated prevention for local maternal units in partnership with Chinese CDC’s and infectious disease departments. A comprehensive training manual with participation from WHO China is currently in trial use.
Another program, a scaled-up initiative in Yunnan, will continue to integrate HBV, HIV and syphilis in the prevention of mother-to-child transmission in 26 counties of Yunnan province. The effort is expected to provide screening on HBV and syphilis for up to 146,000 pregnant women. Spouses and children of those tested positive will also receive screening and counseling services.