Big Silver Community

2 March 2017

Big Silver Community

Big Silver Community, Hong Kong

Founded and led by veteran journalist Leila Chan (陳曉蕾), Big Silver Community seeks to mobilize Hong Kong’s society members towards the innovation, experimentation, and refinement of solutions for ageing issues. Through what has been coined as “solutions journalism”, Big Silver Community reports on ideas that individuals are testing in response to different challenges in society, as well as the effectiveness of these innovations.

Recognizing the necessity for Hong Kong to prepare for an ageing population, this social venture address the importance of strengthening community networks, the effectiveness of prevention and early intervention, and the link between poverty and poor health among older adults. In doing so, Big Silver Community has pinpointed three indispensable and interdependent elements to ageing well: accumulating network (儲人), wealth (儲錢), and health (儲健康).

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