2021 年 8 月 14 日清晨,一場 7.2 級地震衝擊海地,導致醫院、學校和房屋倒塌,奪走超過2,200 人的生命,並使當地社區陷入危機。據聯合國兒童基金會估計,約有 120 萬人,包括 54 萬兒童,遭受是次強烈地震的影響。...
Dear Friends and Partners, Our long-awaited new website has been launched by phases since early May 2021. Heartfelt thanks to the Family Members, our website designer, IT consultant, copy-writers, editors and translators. You are invited to navigate and sign up for our e-newsletters. The Chinese version will be coming soon. We are looking forward to...