過去三十年,在災害管理工作上,參與式能力及脆弱度分析框架(Participatory Capacities and Vulnerabilities Analysis ,以下簡稱PCVA)備受廣泛採用,在不同國家用於需求評估。擇善團隊參考了PCVA,不但認識到現時第五波新型冠狀病毒大流行對弱勢社群的衝擊,亦了解到背後的結構性原因。這些原因牽涉眾多議題,包括社會共融、政府管治、健康平等、獲得公共資源的均等機會,乃至各項社會政策。
過去三十年,在災害管理工作上,參與式能力及脆弱度分析框架(Participatory Capacities and Vulnerabilities Analysis ,以下簡稱PCVA)備受廣泛採用,在不同國家用於需求評估。擇善團隊參考了PCVA,不但認識到現時第五波新型冠狀病毒大流行對弱勢社群的衝擊,亦了解到背後的結構性原因。這些原因牽涉眾多議題,包括社會共融、政府管治、健康平等、獲得公共資源的均等機會,乃至各項社會政策。
An ageing population has shifted global demographics, in turn creating demand for diverse professionals who possess both the knowledge of ageing consumers’ interests and characteristics, and the necessary skills to adapt to their service and product needs...
Many NGOs and social enterprises have been struggling with their operations as a result of the various restrictions put in place amid the COVID-19 outbreak. During this time, ZeShan Foundation has utilized this opportunity to reflect on approaches taken toward funding the creative sectors
In 2012, ZeShan Foundation and Si Yuan Foundation jointly committed RMB20 million to establish a dedicated development fund. The fund will be critical to supporting the sustained growth of the Centre, so that it may develop into a leading institution for teaching and research in social work development,
On 12 March 2021, the Hong Kong Funders' Network on Ageing Well ("the Network") organised the Annual General Meeting (AGM) cum the seminar on Building dementia-friendly communities in HK